The 100,000 Euro Train Challenge for the European Day of Protest for People with Disabilities (May 5th, 2022). Duration: from April 5th to May 5th, 2022
The train is not barrier-free. Steps (even in brand-new trains), defective toilets, broken elevators, non-functioning travel chain in case something unexpected happens. As (almost) always… We want to point out these barriers and increase the pressure – especially at Deutsche Bahn – so that investments are being made in barrier-free and inclusive rail transport! We stay in dialogue, but we want to see change! For trains, which are accessible and inclusive for everyone.
How to take part in the challenge!
The easiest way for you as a person with a disability to claim compensation is to do the following:
- Have a ticket (or a token) and register the journey at the mobility center MSZ
- These are the barriers where the railway is very likely to pay: No mobility service available (despite confirmed registration), no / broken barrier-free toilet, broken elevator, no barrier-free seat, no boarding service available
- Report the barrier online (German only) and claim compensation!
Professional tip
- It works best in long-distance traffic (there are more barriers and more compensation), but also in regional trains
- Registration of the trip with HaSe “Help made easy” (German only)
- In addition to the known barriers, which are listed on RefundRebel, other barriers can be entered and claims checked
At a glance
What is it about in short? Traveling by train and reporting barriers to get Deutsche Bahn in particular to do more for accessibility and inclusion.
When is the “Challenge” successful? Once we reach our goal of 300 reported barriers (or the equivalent of 100,000 Euros), the challenge will be successfully completed!
What to do with the money? You can keep the money or you donate all or part (e.g. half) to a cause that benefits people with disabilities in Ukraine. We aim to raise a donation of 10,000 euros.
Claim compensation for train barriers now (German only)
Stay tuned on Twitter: Hashtag #TheTrainPays